Last year I wasn't blogging in October. Let's hear it for internet stalkers! There was this one afternoon last October that I took off with Little Bird on an adventure, and I never wrote about it. I wanted to, because it was like this great turning point with us. We were a team, out to find the fun in life.
Granted, it was just a pumpkin patch, but for this mama, who barely left the house the first six months of Bird's life, it was more than that. It was freedom.Bird and I hit the farm and rode the train, watched the goats, took a hayride, and picked out the most perfect pumpkin we could find. We left the stroller at home in favor of snuggling in a sling. Bird passed out on the way home, exhausted with I hope was sheer joy. It was also the first time I had that feeling of wishing he would remember the things we did together - that long term memory.
This year, Kevin wanted to join us. Since Lovely is tracked out in October, we planned the trip for when she was with us. The day was cold, windy, and it kept misting. It was not a great day for a pumpkin patch visit in Kevin's eyes, but I thought it was perfect. I love it when the weather starts to foreshadow the winter to come. We bundled up, piled in the Jeep and headed to Youngsville.Bird may not remember our trip there last year, and he may not remember the one this year, but we will. We'll remember how he stomped out ahead of us all, leading the way to the train. We'll remember how he bounced in the hay and waited for me or Lovely to hold his hands, count to three, and help him jump. We'll remember how he ran through the rows of pumpkins, pointing at pumpkin after pumpkin, shouting "PUMKIN" like we wouldn't see them if he didn't tell us about them.
Fun afternoons and adventures are turning into traditions. Family traditions. I really love that.