Saturday, April 14, 2007


Still no Viao. It's just not as much fun to type on Guy's laptop. Things are spaced differently. The key bed is more shallow. The clicking of the keys is a more muffled sound, so I end up hitting them harder just to get the right noise.

I am an odd bird.

And yet, I have finally gotten to that day when I have to write. There is a post brewing about my father, but not one that I'm going to write now. It has been brewing for months, but this past week especially.

Right now though, there are things to get off my mind that normally I would have just tossed into an entry throughout the week. Welcome to the uncluttering of a blogless mind.

Kurt Vonnegut died. I know you know this already. However, I mentablogged about it several times this week. I'm actually glad I didn't have a computer, because as it turns out, I have nothing to add to the death of this amazing man. Just that I'm sad that he is gone. And I love his writing.

I'm jonesing for a new look here. I've been working on designing mastheads and am having a great time doing it. The only problem is that I'm learning code by trial and error. I'm looking at the code for my CSS and other people's CSS' and trying to figure out what means what. It would be so much easier if I just got a book or something. But then, that would signify some sort of grand commitment to this whole thing. . . unlike the plane ticket I purchased to hang with Mamma and the gals in July.

Guy and I finished our 8 sessions of counseling that come in his benefit package. Now we are all cured and done with fixing ourselves. Not really. I do feel much better though. I would like to keep going if the insurance covers any part of it.

I had a great tune to share with you this week, but I missed it. Damn. Thursday came and went without music. I'm very sorry. Next week, I promise.

I sold my house. To an "investor." Damn again. I'm not happy about that, but the moolah will be nice. I had big dreams of some nice young couple moving in with a couple of dogs . . . Now I just have dreams of not paying mortgage on an empty house every month and the new kitchen I'm getting ready to buy for our current house. *big sigh of relief*

Doogal is just fine. HooRah.

As Guy and I were watching "The Price Is Right" on Thursday (I have been feeling really bad lately, and plus, we were just being lazy), he decided that he would name his next band "One Dollar Bob." They can open up for "Aurora Welding" any day.

And now, for our lazy day, we are sitting on the floor with my Yamaha four track, the one he wanted to get rid of, listening to our old four track tapes. We have no shame. Lovely is laughing her little head off. And that is after we sang duets of as many Aaron Spelling theme songs as we could remember during breakfast.

We are off on Tuesday to visit Whymommy and her family. I'm so excited I just peed a little when I typed that. Lovely and I took a virtual tour of the zoo in preparation this morning. She also bathed the dogs so they can be clean for their visit to puppy camp at Boo and Pilot's house. We are ready.

That's about it for now. I miss y'all.