There is someone I want to suggest that you visit. I don't remember how I found her, but I'm really enjoying her blog. She has some great links for stepfamilies and some great insights on being a stepmom. I love her Bill of Rights for children of divorced parents, and the one for stepmoms is good too.
Those of you who have been here awhile know that I choose not to write about the challenges presented me as a second wife and stepmom. Guy and I do not choose to dwell on them and the way we handle most of them is to ignore them. By giving any of the stories space here, I would be giving them more thought and energy than they deserve.
Wicked Stepmom tells it like it is. We get to peek into the life of someone who is doing the best they can to help parent another woman's child. It is not an easy job. I hope you'll stop by and read a bit. And maybe drop her a "you go girl" or two.