Friday, September 07, 2007

Button button, who doesn't have a button?

I am so far behind in the button bling it's not even funny. If I miss something or someone, I apologize in advance.

Okay. Here goes:

This sexy little booger was passed on to me by Kami. I think she just wants my boots, but I can't be sure. Kidding of course. Being called nice by Kami is like having Cindy Crawford tell you that you have good legs. She should know.

I was going to pass this onto Jennifer over at Playgroups Are No Place for Children. Because. She's nice and I like her. Plus, she's running her way into having her behind posted on a button. As in exercising. But as I'm catching up on my blog reading, I just noticed that she also gave it to me. Before I could get my lazy butt up and posting this week. That's because she's exercising and I'm not, I would imagine.

I could give it to Jessica at Oh, The Joys, but again. In my slacktitude blogness this week, she too has already passed it this way.

So who else needs a little piece of sexy blog bling? Well, Absolutely Bananas does, for sure. She is beyond nice. Super nice. The definition of all things nice.

So next we have an award by the same name, but without a sexy behind on it. Heh. I like it just as much. My new friend, CGF at I Can Fly, Just Not Up, passed this on to me. She also has an awesome recipe for Summer Tomato Pasta. Yum.

This goes out to K over at Slacker-moms-r-us. She is nice beyond nice, but doesn't need any encouragement to be naughty. Therefore, she gets the version of this button without lingerie.

Here's a cool button that I wouldn't mind having in bumper sticker form. Not that I would put it on my bumper, but still. Mom at What Works for Us passed this cutie on to me. I'm blushing at the thought.

Karaoke Diva gets this prop from me. She made me learn how to spell 'karaoke,' and has great tag lines. There's a new one up today, and it made me spit Diet Coke through my nose. Her Bean and my Cleatus just might be hanging out somewhere making fun of their mommies' blogging habit. You never know.

This little beauty is passed on for creating community in the blogosphere. I'm totally honored that Bubblewench (is that not the best pseudonym evah?) passed this onto me. Like 87 years ago. That is how much I suck. I'm completely disorganized when it comes to blogging. Ask me what my students will be doing every lesson until eternity and I can tell you, but blogging is where I let it all go. Utter chaos.

So thank you, Bubblewench. My lack of posting this is no indication of my gratitude.

I pass this little dandy on to Girl. She fosters community in a big way, and I know of dozens of people whose lives are better because of her presence in the land of the internet.

Last, but certainly not least, T with Honey bestowed me with another Rocking Girl Blogger award. Shoot. You know I love to rock (did I ever post about the Def Leppard concert?), so I'm happy to accept this little booger as many times as it comes my way. Thank you very much, T with Honey!

I'm passing this onto Mamma. Everyone knows that MammaLoves might as well be named, MammaRocks.


If I've left out anyone, please forgive me. I'm blaming it on hormones and pregnancy brain. Can I do that? Blame everything on being pregnant? Good then.